Monday, May 13, 2019

Kardaras to Tripoli on the E4: Day 55

A dull day with occasional showers as I crossed rocky pasture with scattered bushes and small trees.
In full waterproofs I left the Ostra suites. It had just stopped raining as I started through the village but more rain was forecast from the black clouds overhead. On roads and tracks I walked downhill for several kilometres to the village of Kapsia where I stopped at a bakery for an expresso and some flaky pastry goods for lunch served by a smiling lady.
From Kapsia the path is largely invisible as you climb up through the flowers, grassy areas, rocks and thorny bushes to a pass. At first there were E4 waymarks to follow but these died out. Close attention to my GPS was needed to head in the right direction, especially as there was more than one pass visible on the horizon. Although the climb was gradual I soon became overheated in my waterproofs with sweat dripping off my face, but due to the intermittent showers I kept them on. With the addition of some acid indigestion I did not find it the best of days.
Finally at the pass, I was not surprised to find a church, they seem popular at such sites. This one was locked so I was unable to pay my respects. Continuing across the pasture in the saddle between hills I put a flock of sheep to flight, forcing the shepherd to get up from where he had been laying in order to regain control.
Then it was downhill on tracks and roads passed the silent village of Perthori and into the outskirts of Tripoli. I am staying the Palatino hotel. I chose it because it is on the south side of town so slightly reduces a long walk I have planned for tomorrow. Prompted by her question I told the receptionist I was walking the E4, she thought I meant the highway....
Tripoli itself has a lively centre this evening with coffee shops and eateries centred on a few squares. I came across churches squashed in between more modern buildings. In deference to my delicate stomach I settled for a smoothie and a sandwich this evening, and then a beer in a cafe filled with men where the TV was showing a water polo match.

21.6 kilometres walked today with an ascent of 390 metres.

The path goes through here somewhere

A street in Tripoli

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